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Patients’ Aid-JPMC introduces Advanced AI Technology at Jinnah Hospital (JPMC), Karachi

In Karachi, the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) stands as a vital healthcare center, one of the largest and busiest hospitals in Pakistan. With the help of the Patients’ Aid Foundation, the medical facilities at JPMC are revolutionized with the latest technology to ensure quality healthcare treatment reaches those who need it the most. This Shariah-compliant & PCP certified organization is committed to making healthcare accessible through innovative methods and compassionate service.

With the support of Patients’ Aid, JPMC now serves over 12,000 patients daily, delivering critical care and saving lives. The Accident and Emergency (A&E) department alone saves approximately 2,000 lives every day. Additionally, the hospital conducts around 1,000 radiology diagnostics and 175 cancer radio-surgeries daily. Countless patients have benefited from the latest cutting-edge CyberKnife technology, thanks to the non-profit Patients’ Aid, which always prioritizes the needy in our community.

Cyber Knife - JPMC Patients' Aid Foundation

JPMC is also the one place on the planet offering the most advanced cancer treatment through CyberKnife and Tomotherapy, absolutely free of charge. These treatments, which cost millions of rupees ($100,000) elsewhere in the world, are available to the most vulnerable patients through Patients’ Aid Foundation, ensuring that financial constraints do not stand in the way of life-saving medical care.

Advanced AI Technology at JPMC

Patients’ Aid and the Sindh government have launched a remarkable initiative to bring advanced AI technology to Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC). This aims to improve patient care and support medical research. The Government of Sindh and PAXERA each contribute half a million US dollars to Patients’ Aid, marking a significant milestone for healthcare in Pakistan.

Patients’ Aid provides a unique opportunity to channel your Zakat, Sadaqah, and other charitable donations toward saving lives and helping ease suffering.

Extreme Hot Weather in Karachi 

Considering the severe heat wave in Karachi, it is important to ensure patients suffering from heat stroke receive quality treatment. Your donation can make a significant difference by supplying the essential resources needed to survive these extreme temperatures. Your contribution will be instrumental in saving lives and improving health outcomes during this critical period.

How Your Donation Transforms Lives with Patients’ Aid

Every donation, no matter how small, contributes to the remarkable achievements by Patients’ Aid at JPMC to help cure the critical cases of patients. Here’s how your contributions can make a significant impact:

  • Donations equip the hospital with essential medical supplies and advanced equipment, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality medical care.
  • Your donations fund life-saving treatments including, free dialysis, cancer treatment through CyberKnife & Tomotherapy, life saving surgeries, accident & emergency care, child birth deliveries providing hope and healing to cancer patients.
  • Funds are used to enhance diagnostic services with a fully equipped Radiology department performing X rays, Ultrasounds, MRI, CT scan, Dexa scan, PET scan etc allowing for early detection and treatment of various medical conditions.
  • Your contribution directly impacts the lives of people suffering from kidney diseases by providing them with dialysis and other treatments free of cost.

Your Zakat and Sadaqah can make a significant difference in the lives of those who come to JPMC for their medical needs from interior Sindh, Balochistan and other parts of the country. It’s time we look after the people who look up to us. It’s not just our social responsibility but also a religious duty to help people in need. By contributing to this charitable humanitarian cause, you are helping humanity to ensure that healthcare is a right, not a privilege, for every individual.

For more information on how to donate and the impact of your contributions, please visit the Patients’ Aid Foundation website. Let us come together during this high time to support our brothers and sisters in need and make a lasting difference in their lives.