Give Zakat/ Donation for Patients Healthcare at Jinnah Hospital


Fulfill your Zakat obligation and give Sadqa/ Charity and support Life-Saving healthcare


Patients’ Aid has been playing a critical role in revolutionizing Jinnah Hospital Karachi (JPMC) into a state of the art hospital providing exceptionally high quality healthcare to the economically disadvantaged patients visiting us from all over the country, absolutely free of charge.

Patients’ Aid has its footprint in the new Jinnah OPD & Surgical Complex of JPMC (with a capacity of treating 12000 patients in OPD and 550 bed surgical unit with 18 operation theaters) along with Cyber  knife Robotic Radiosurgery, Tomotherapy, PET-CT Scan, Blood Bank, Gynae & Obstetrics, Ophthalmology, Chest Ward, Accident and Emergency, Medical ICU, Dermatology, Oncology, Radiology and Neuro Trauma.

With your generous zakat & donation, Patients’ Aid provides free, quality healthcare to approximately 12,000 patients everyday. Help us provide quality healthcare to all. Give your Zakat & Donation generously!

Additional information

Donation Type

Donation or Sadqa, Zakat, Roz ka sadqa

Select Amount

Any Value, Rs. 1,000, Rs. 10,000, Rs. 15,000, Rs. 5,000


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